Sunday, November 18, 2012

Closet Case

I LOVE organizing. If you know me, you know that. I can't get enough of things having a place and things being in their place. I especially love making organizing projects pretty. This is just what I did with my closet the other day. Randomly, and in about 15 minutes, I rearranged my closet to look like this:

Check out how I hold up my boots now:

 Thank you Pinterest for advising me on using pool noodles! Genius!

What a happy wardrobe! I honestly feel like I've revamped my entire wardrobe and it feels like new clothes in a way...all my looking at them a little differently. I don't find myself saying, "I have nothing to wear." I know we've all said it, but this simple update has helped me rethink the things I have.

Instead of all my pieces being with like pieces (jackets together, dresses together, etc.), now they live amongst the same tonal family! And it looks pretty!

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